* Peace--- end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and shutdown the 800 military bases.
* A National Public Health Care System - ten million new jobs.
* A National Public Child Care System - three to five million new jobs.
* WPA - three million new jobs.
* CCC - two million new jobs.
* Tax the hell out of the rich and cut the military budget by ending the wars to pay for it all which will create full employment.
* Enforce Affirmative Action; end discrimination.
* Raise the minimum wage to a real living wage
* What tax-payers subsidize in the way of businesses, tax-payers should own and reap the profits from.
* Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.
* Wall Street is our enemy.
An online network of grassroots and rank-and-file activists and organizers working together for peace and social & economic justice. Sharing ideas. Building solidarity. Initiating Action. Using technology, blogging, social networking and culture to reinforce and strengthen our work in our communities, where we go to school, where we work.
A Program for Real Change... circulate and distribute widely:
* A National Public Health Care System - ten million new jobs.
* A National Public Child Care System - three to five million new jobs.
* WPA - three million new jobs.
* CCC - two million new jobs.
* Tax the hell out of the rich and cut the military budget by ending the wars to pay for it all which will create full employment.
* Enforce Affirmative Action; end discrimination.
* Raise the minimum wage to a real living wage
* What tax-payers subsidize in the way of businesses, tax-payers should own and reap the profits from.
* Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.
* Wall Street is our enemy.
Good program thanks for sharing.